Saturday, 9 April 2011

Times are Changing!

My life is changing. For the better, I hope.
I created this blog a while back, enjoying the image of myself as instant blogger success. Yeah, not happening. Blogs need their blogger to put effort in. Not simply post pictures every blue moon. So..
Here it is, the new blog!
I've changed the title, and will be soon editing the background to better suit the purpose of the blog. I've read up on the rules and typical features of ^good^ blogs, and I hope that my lil' blog will prosper because of it.
My plan for 'Love,Life, Vintage' is:
  • Life:
    • To follow my weight loss journey- I follow Weight Watchers and have lost around 3 1/2 stone. I've dropped from dress size 18 to 10. However I still want to lose a bit more. Hopefully this blog will encourage me to lose those few pounds.
    • To post parts of my life/ or events that inspire me- especially events that renew my love for life
  • Vintage:
    • I am currently changing my personal style to fit a more vintage/Golden Hollywood feel. I will post both pictures of stars and fashion that inspire me, and any completed projects I do.
I hope you will be able to bear with me through this learning process. Although I will get it wrong occasionally, the main purpose of this blog is to have FUN. I want to be able to commentate on life with all its joys and pains. Peace x

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